Art of my fursona Epson by on Discord

Hey, I'm

Known as Creeperlulu on the Internet, but you can also call me:

  • Your local not-so protogen
  • Uninspired programmer
  • The man who started with Java
  • Weirdest printer

About me

My real name is Lucas, also known as Creeperlulu on most of my socials and on the Internet in general. I'm French, but I prefer to use english as my main language on the Internet. I mostly talk in french in real life. I am also colorblind (protan).

I'm a furry, my fursona is named Epson and is a derivative of the protogen species. I am also kind of a tech guy, sometimes a designer, an artist, and so on and so forth. I'm kind of a jack-of-all-trades.

I started programming at age 8 to 9, even though I used Scratch as my first programmming tool. The first real programming language I learned (or at least tried to learn) was Java.

I like designing random things, such as projects I know I will probably not make. I also code sometimes, even though I often have oversized ideas that I'm not able to make by myself. Finally, I draw when I have some time. You can check some of my art and projects in my portfolio. I also like video games such as Minecraft, which is my all-time favorite.

This might surprise you, but I don't like math in general, even though I used to. School made me hate it, I guess. Something obvious that I don't like is haters.

My portfolio


(WIP) Custom operating system based on the Android Open Source Projet with a lot of useful features for mobile devices.


(WIP) AI chatbot application, that can learn to be as realistic as possible. Meet your new friend.



My skills

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My socials

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